Gradle Plugins

Maintained by aalmiray


The plugin uses Java2Html Ant task to convert Java (and other) source code (complete files or snippets) to HTML, RTF, TeX and XHTML with syntax highlighting. The task is only available to projects that apply the Java or Groovy plugin.

Author bmuschko
Version 0.4


buildscript {
    repositories { jcenter() }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.gradle.api.plugins:gradle-java2html-plugin:0.4'

apply plugin: 'java2html'

dependencies {
    izpack 'de.java2html:java2html:5.0'

java2html {
    conversion {
        tabs = 4
        style = 'eclipse'
        outputFormat = 'html'
        showLineNumbers = true
        addLineAnchors = true
        showFileName = true
        useShortFileName = true
        overwrite = true
        showDefaultTitle = true
        includeDocumentHeader = true
        includeDocumentFooter = true

    overview {
        windowTitle = "$ $version"
        docTitle = "$ $version"
        docDescription = project.description
        header = "$ $version"